District 1-Ramhurst
Board Members by District
Sheila Pittman-Simpson
Renda Baggett
District 2-Bullpen
Tony Abernathy
District 3-Eton
Hunter Phillips
District 4-Northwest
Conrad Puryear
District 5-City
Dewayne Powers
District 6 - Spring Place
Kelli Reed
District 7-At Large
**Please note that you must complete a public participation form to speak at a BOE meeting. Instructions for completing the form and guidelines for speaking can be found on the form.
Interested in becoming a member of the Board of Education?
As the hub of educational decision-making, the Board plays a crucial role in shaping the future of our schools and, ultimately, the lives of our students. The Murray County Board of Education consists of seven seats, each serving four-year terms.
Whether considering a role in school board leadership or actively pursuing candidacy, the GSBA website provides essential guidance and support to empower future board members.
The Murray County Board of Education has received the Georgia School Board's recognition of Exemplary School Board for more than 8 years. They meet the standards set forth by the GSBA for this distinguishment by completing more than the GADOE required training hours, completing self-assessments, and reviewing assessments by outside stakeholders. We appreciate the efforts of our BOE to go above and beyond what is required.