Technology Department Logo

Murray Technology Department

1004 Green RD Suite B
Chatsworth, GA

Work: 706-695-7034

IT Department Mission Statement

Our goal is to provide our students, faculty, and staff with the most reliable and innovative technology to meet the needs of an ever-changing and increasingly complex world, along with the support and training necessary to use the technology effectively.

Technology is a fact of modern life. Providing reliable and current technology resources to faculty, staff, and students, supports the Murray County Schools Mission to foster the skills necessary to succeed in an increasingly complex world. A well-trained IT staff keeps hardware and software up-to-date and running smoothly. Technical problems are resolved quickly and users have the tools they need.

 The Murray County Schools IT Department strives to fulfill this mission through a comprehensive set of services. These services include but are not limited to:

  • MOJO work order system, particularly focused on the resolution of hardware and software problems.

  • Teacher support through collaboration with Lead Media Specialist and Media Specialist at the schools

  • All related network services, including email accounts, file storage, print management, wireless access, telephone services, card access, security cameras, security systems, fire alarms, and other technology services.

We are here to serve!

23-24 New Teacher Technology Orientation