Title III/ESOL Coordinator
Welcome to Murray County School's ESOL program!
Murray County Schools is "shaping tomorrow by empowering students today." This vision guides the Murray County English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program. The mission of the ESOL program is to help ensure the English language development and academic success of English Learners (ELs). The goals that help drive our efforts in the Murray County School ESOL program are listed below.
Focused programs, practices and efforts to ensure successful development of English language proficiency and access to state content standards
Committed partnerships with teachers, administrators, and parents to ensure EL students’ academic success
Hard work and strong sense of commitment and responsibility
Compliance with Title III, federal laws, and SBOE Rule 160-4-5-.02 Language Assistance: Program for English Learners (ELs)
Important Links
ESOL Links
Teacher Links
Dr. Donna Eskut
Stacey Martin
Administrative Assistant