student on CES green carpet

Traditionally, rolling out the red carpet was a way to mark the path of leaders or heads of state. At Chatsworth Elementary, the carpet color is a little different, but the meaning behind the gesture is the same. Yesterday, Principal Audre Allen and Assistant Principal Katie Mason invited parents and all CES students to attend their first Green Carpet Ceremony. They celebrated 14 chiefs who lead by example in work ethic and character. Two students from each grade were recognized, one for work ethic and one for character. After walking the green carpet among their schoolmates, they assembled with their parents in the media center for a short ceremony and reception where each student was individually recognized.  Photos of the students are on display in gallery design in the hallway and will remain up for the next 8 weeks until the next ceremony.  The Green Carpet Ceremonies take place every quarter.

Congratulations to these Chatsworth Chiefs!  Keep up the stellar hard work, and continue inspiring others with your outstanding character! #URmurray

Benjamin Ajuria
Zoe Jolly Bailey
Gerardo Perez Reynoso
Francisca Lucas
Addie Trentham
Nova Smith
Kristianna Clayton
Copper Godfrey
Kenzleigh Chambers
Jorge Pedro Raymundo
Keiley Loveless
Aubree Ross 
Levi Smith
Anahi Tercero Lopez