bagley foundation award

Today, the Murray County Schools Foundation proudly announced the distribution of nearly $70,000 in grant funding to support various projects across the district’s schools. This generous contribution will fund several exciting initiatives aimed at enhancing educational experiences and facilities.

Chatsworth Elementary will see a significant upgrade with the renovation of its stage, providing students with an improved platform for performances and events. Bagley Middle is set to receive a new digital sign, which will enhance communication with parents and the community. Gladden Middle will proudly display its academic and athletic achievements in a new glass display case.

Woodlawn Elementary is excited to enhance its STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) room with new equipment, fostering a hands-on learning environment. Spring Place Elementary’s Exceptional Student Services (ESS) students will enjoy new playground equipment designed to meet their needs. Additionally, Northwest Elementary will integrate advanced technology into its curriculum with a new 3D printer. Pleasant Valley Innovative School received $4,000 for their courtyard and North Murray will be able to purchase Huddle boxes.

These projects were selected through a competitive application process, allowing schools to request funding for specific needs and initiatives. The Murray County Schools Foundation is dedicated to supporting the educational goals of the district by providing resources that enrich the learning environment and promote student success.