The Murray County Schools Board of Education plans to keep the Tax Millage Rate at 15.5 mills for 2024, the same rate we have maintained for the last 22 years.
Georgia law mandates a NOTICE OF PROPERTY TAX INCREASE if the proposed millage rate exceeds the calculated "rollback rate." However, the 2024 Tax Digest will generate less revenue than last year, meaning the "rollback rate" will not be exceeded. As a result, no public hearings are required.
For additional information and FAQs regarding the 2024 Tax Millage Rate visit our website at:
"The Murray County School Board does hereby announce that the millage rate will be set at a meeting to be held at the Murray County Board of Education's Central Office located at 1006 Green Road in Chatsworth, Georgia on Thursday, August 22, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. and pursuant to the requirements of O.C.G.A. Section 48-5-32 does hereby publish the following presentation of the current year's tax digest and levy, along with the history of the tax digest and levy for the past five years."